2 min read

A Year of 30 Day Challenges

This upcoming year will be one of twelve 30 Day Projects.

Previously, I’ve done quite a few:

  • 30 days with no alcohol (before I quit drinking altogether)
  • 30 days with no sugar
  • 30 days with morning meditation
  • 30 days doing morning pages

These mini-projects have often been instrumental in forming some of my lasting habits.

I’ve always wanted to commit to a year of 30 day challenges, i.e. 12 months with 12 consecutive challenges. But I’m also mindful that I don’t want to create punishing experiences.

So, I’ll be doing 30 day projects. Some months might be more hardcore trials, others will be more gentle and creative. I will follow the flow of what’s happening and where I’m at.

So why is now a good timing?

I’m in a really good place. I feel like going on a bit of a bigger adventure, expanding habits and trying new things.

I want to be guided by my intuition, and do what feels right. The theme for my year is expansion. So I feel like this is the right time to commit to a structure of 30-day challenges.

What kind of challenges?

Just like I usually decide my theme of the upcoming year very organically, I want the next month’s challenge to evolve naturally as well. They will definitely build on where I am, and therefore be different in scope and intensity.

This is not meant to be a punishing experience. I want to see what a year looks like. Some months will be more playful, others perhaps more demanding.

The wish is to get more structure, more joy and more creativity into life.

So the first 30 day project?

May 2020: Daily Facebook Lives

I’m posting everyday in a Facebook group.

It’s a great way to get a habit of sharing and improving overall video skills. Because many of us are doing the challenge, the experience intensifies. I will definitely be looking for opportunities to make this a communal experience. This pandemic has brought enough isolation thus far!

Ok, let’s see how this goes.