2 min read

5 Things I Learned From Doing Facebook Lives Every Day

My May 2020 challenge was to do a Facebook Live every day.

I.e. record and publish a video on Facebook.

It was a great experience. Somewhat made easier by the fact that we were a lot of people doing it together. Like many new habits, what first felt uncomfortable over the month became a habit.

Here are some of the take-aways from the experience:

The importance of rituals

The first day I had to find the record button, spoke into the camera and didn’t really know what to say. By day 10, I was sharing fluidly about my day and some insights I’d had. By then, that was my 10th video, and the fact that I pressed record every day is the only reason I was where I was.

Instead of thinking about something, let’s try it. Day one, day two, day three… keep going. Soon, it’s so normal we don't remember how it was to not do it.

Dealing with vulnerability

On my 13th day I had an experience of “what the hell am I doing and why am I disturbing other people in their feeds”.

I had a strong feeling that I was sharing too often and too much. This also led to a discussion to some friends around this feeling.

I realized that it doesn’t matter. It’s easy for someone to snooze my posts in their feeds. I can only take responsibility for what I put out there, not who it lands with.

This is also what I shared in that live, and I got some wonderful feedback and messages about it. Because, as we know, the more vulnerability we bring, the more we connect.

I’m not for everyone

As a recovering people-pleaser, I’ve had to learn that it’s ok if someone doesn’t like me. And that I can’t make everyone happy. People won’t like me, and that’s okay.

During this experiment, it became clear that I attracted some, and didn’t others. I got a “fan base” of a few people who followed me, encouraged me, commented on my posts and told me I had helped them in sharing of myself. When I didn’t share the first day, I got a message asking why and that I was missed.

A few people showed up and commented every day on my shares, a few perhaps scrolled by because they weren’t drawn to watch me, and the majority probably didn’t even care.

The more I integrate this feeling in my life, the freer I feel.

It also coincides with my beliefs that everyone can have an impact. But if we aim to be loved by everyone, we help no one.

Enjoying video as a creative medium

I’m used to, and comfortable with, communicating online. I do most of my coaching and consulting online, and even more so during the pandemic.

Communicating via video without seeing your audience was a new experience. But it fit my rambling style. I tend to think as I speak, and it was nice to press play and not be certain what I would talk about over the next few minutes.

Persisting while resisting

As I approached the end of the month I found myself getting bored. I actually forgot to do the Facebook live three days in a row. This is a clear pattern I have, of forgetting what I don’t want to do…

Part of me feels that I completed the monthly challenge on May 20. I reached a point where I did not feel any apprehension about doing the lives, it felt normal.

I realized how I’d sort of reached the goal I didn’t know I’ve had.

I do wish I’d done 30 out of 30, because it’s a bit typical that I didn’t.

With that said, this was a super fun monthly challenge. Lots of growth and good insights.